
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Everything Under the Moon! My name is Starwitch Stone.
Everything Under the Moon offers hundreds of free witchcraft spellslove spellsarticles, and magical correspondences that you are welcome to add to your own Book of Shadows.


Image by Ravensburger

What's New at Everything Under the Moon?

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If you'd like to receive witchcraft-related pics and posts on Facebook, pleaselike my page. There are lots of other witches there you could also add as your friends. :)

How can I get my ex to love me again?

Love is a complicated thing. When the person you love leaves you, it may feel like you can't live without them. You can think of little else other than getting that person back. Sometimes we'd like to give our sweetie-pie a little nudge to remind him what it is about us that he fell in love with. If that's your goal, I have quite of collection of love spells that you are welcome to draw from.
If you are a beginner witch and need something simple, here is an easy love spell that only requires a pink candle to perform.
Or if you only have a white candle, try this simple candle spell.
If you don't have any candles at all, you might want to try this Love Knot Spell.
An experienced witch might prefer the Make Love Secure Spell.
You can use love spells to draw a new love into your life or to heighten the romance in your existing relationship.
There are also spells for breaking up and for banishing a lover.
There are several categories of spells on the Love Spells page. That's where you can find the right spell for your situation.
If you're an adult and don't mind spending a little money to get your baby back, there's an e-book called The Ex-Back Formula that offers tips and advice on the right things to do when you want to lure your sweetie back to you. There are some very definite blunders that you don't want to commit and it's important that people understand what they are. There are also several good books on the topic at Amazon.

Will you teach me how to be a witch?

I know it feels lonely when you're first starting out as a Wiccan. You want to find like-minded people to talk to and learn from. You may even be wondering if I could be your teacher. But learning about the occult isn't like learning math in school, where a teacher just sits you down and tells you what you need to know. To learn Wicca, you need to be willing to seek answers and spend time reading, meditating, doing energy work, and practicing magick.
Most Wiccans are of above-average intelligence, so they don't require another person to walk them through the learning process. Instead they buy the available books and read the Wicca websites. Learning how to use a search engine effectively will speed things along for you a great deal.
I'm sorry that I can't personally teach you magick, but there are too many new witches seeking a mentor. To help as many people as possible, I try to focus on putting as much information as I can here on my website so you'll have what you need in order to learn about Wicca on your own.
I would advise you to be cautious when seeking a mentor in the magical arts. Despite what some authors have said to the contrary, there actually are dark-minded and mentally-deranged witches who are into black magick, and they're typically the ones who are the most eager to train you (since someone like that has no friends in real life, mainly because they manipulate everyone they know). If you happen to be a miserable, evil person, then a teacher like that would be great for you. But if you're a sweet, positive person who loves the Earth and just wants to use magic for good, you'd do better to teach yourself through all the easily available resources that we have nowadays.


How can I learn Wicca on my own?

I recommend that you start with these pages:
Learn to Be a Witch and F.A.Q.
Then go to the Witches How-To section where there are lots of insightful and informational articles.
Starwitch's Questions and Answers are my personal opinions about some of the magical and mundane issues that I've received letters about. If you're a  left-brained / logical person, you'll likely agree with a lot of things I say. If you're more fantasy-prone, you may not like my answers.
If you have questions about Love Spells you can read this thread to see what experienced and non-experienced witches have to say about the subject.
Witchcraft Basics
A forum with lots of basic information that you'll want to know in order to become a witch.
Also, the Members' Book(s) of Shadows forum has a lot of helpful information, especially regarding spell-casting.

Where can I find all the free spells?

Here are the links to the major witchcraft spells sections:


Where can I get a free reading?

You can get free computerized readings on the Free Tarot Readings page. You can chose from Numerology, Tarot, Runes, Profile, Biorhythm, I-Ching, Yes/No Question, and more. (I've had good results using these, but remember, it's a computer tarot reading.)


Where can I find some good luck charms, jewelry, and witchcraft books?

Please visit the Witchcraft and Pagan Products page.
EUTM also offers Silver Jewelry Amulets from Calastrology.com.
You can also browse through the Witchcraft books and Spiritual/Astral Projection Books if you're looking for something new to read.


I have my own website and I'd like to link to Everything Under the Moon. Is that okay?

Yes, I would be flattered if you linked to my site. Thank you!


Have you ever seen a spirit?

Well, that's a strange thing to ask me. (JK) But the truth is that I've been obsessed with ghosts ever since I saw them as a child. I've collected stories of spirit encounters sent in by readers and posted them here on the site. You can read our ghost stories here: Spirits and Ghosts. One of my own ghost stories is posted there as well.


Do you have information about _______?

I have so many different sections that I can't fit them all here. There's information on just about everything you could imagine.
The Reading Room is the place to go to find excellent articles on every topic imaginable. Several of them contain spells that aren't in the Book of Shadows.
The Healing section contains articles on health and healing, Reiki, energy work, affirmations, and other tools for healing.
Visit the Astral Projection room for helpful information, techniques, and stories about OBEs and astral travel.
You can view the Moon Phases here and also at the top of theBook of Shadows page.
I sometimes like to just read through some old Emails, especially that funny one that says this:
"Hello Starwitch. I was wondering... Do you have a spell to make me super sexy? like in a day? because i want to be the sexiest person on earth. and I was wondering if you have a spell to make me rich and famous. I don't wanna mess with candles and stuff just a spell. I've noticed spells are like poems huh...they like rhyme. so have you ever met a real witch? and if so what was it like? was she like all scary? were you scared? did she scare you? were you so scared you wanted to run? was it scary? oh well so I was also wondering do you have a spell to make me super sexy? thanx write back and have a super duper day."
Isn't that the best? S/he was obviously making fun of the dumb emails page.
Please sign the guestbook if you would like to leave any comments. I read all the guestbook entries that I receive (usually about 6 months after they're posted though). Occasionally I'll type an answer directly underneath your entry if I have something to say to you, but I never email people back from the guestbook. It's just really not a good place to ask questions if you're looking for a reply.

How can I search the site for a particular article, spell, or post?

With over ten thousand pages here and on the forum, it's extremely likely that you can find information on the subject matter you're looking for. Use theGoogle Site Search to search this site for a particular spell, article, or subject matter. The search will also include results from the forum. To exclude forum results, you can put '-forum' along with your search.
Here's my old man's websites:
And the days go by,
like a strand in the wind,
in the web that is my own,
I begin again...

---Stevie Nicks
Everything Under the Moon was Last Updated Monday, February 03, 2014.

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Everything Under the Moon